Thursday, June 21, 2007

Mr Putty Pants Gets A Kitten

My handlers, New Big Friend and Girly, decided to try and teach me some responsibility by giving me a kitten. My very own little pet. He even looks kind of like me in a wierd way.

My own little kitten. Apparently I'm supposed to feed him and do some kitty litter stuff...urg! I'll slough that one off on someone soon enough. I was told to choose a name for my kitten, so I suggested Kitty and was told "no", I had to be more creative. I called him Mr Kitty. They gave up knowing I can only be pushed so far.

He's already into mischief, hmm, he could be a handful. I'll have to teach him who's master here.

Look at Mr Kitty, pushing in front of me for the better shot. I'm not sure how much of this responsibility I can take.

Stay tuned, I'm sure there'll be more stuff about me and Mr Kitty. Perhaps I can bring him over to the dark side and be my slave, I mean assistant. I need a new one...hmmm...I wonder how trainable cats are?

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