Saturday, August 25, 2007

Cirque du Soleil Putty

Mr Putty Pants at Cirque du SoleilSince the Cirque's latest show is playing in my neighbourhood, I thought they might appreciate a star performer such as myself, so I donned my best costume and enlisted the help of my kitten "Mr Kitty" and his puppy "Cookie" to work out a dazzling routine.

We crept under the big top to join the troupe and took everyone by storm when we upstaged the star act in the middle of their routine. Unfortunately, we weren't appreciated as we were suddenly given the hook and sent packing. All this was accompanied by a whole lot of fist shaking and yelling in some foreign language I didn't understand. What is it with these humans?


Teena in Toronto said...

That picture is almost pornographic, Mr. Putty Pants!

Mr Putty Pants said...

Yikes, I'm not that kind of fellow!