Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Sky Diving Bear

Poor fellow, I couldn't resist including him.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Visiting Sheena

I thought I'd hop in New Big Friends car and take a spin. After driving around for a while and using up most of the gas, I decided to drop in on my friend Sheena to see what she was up to.

Sheena wanted me, a shoe connoisseur and collector, to give her a second opinion on her newest outfit. I give it two thumbs up.

Here we are relaxing together with one of her fishy little friends whose name I forget. What a shame! I suppose I ought to get back before the car is missed. Too bad about the gas.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Mr Putty Pants New Niece

After much haranging at Girly's work, one of her co-workers got a puppy. I immediately adopted her as my niece so I could oversee her upbringing to make sure she becomes a cheeky little monkey by learning the proper Putty ways.
Here I am with Hoku. She adores me of course.

More Hoku love, although she got a little over exuberant when she bit my eye..ouch! She's on the right path however, as soon as she learns who to bite.

I'm keeping a watchful eye on my niece with her human keeper M.J.

My cute little niece gets lots of attention. My handlers borrowed her for a weekend, cause they needed some "puppy love" or something like that. I'm not jealous or anything, but aren't I enough. Well anyway, here's New Big Friend and Hoku. I'm skulking around somewhere.

My darling niece, almost grown in this picture. Look at that cheeky face and attitude. She's learned well, ask her humans.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Annoying Thing

Being rather appreciative of things that annoy others, this little fellow warms my chocolatey heart, giving me a chuckle everytime I see him scoot off.

Girly loves Crazy Frog too and has his mug and a couple of key chains which all have his exciting ring ding ding audio. She's a real nut case, sending to England for them when she couldn't find anybody who sells them on this side of the pond. She would even get his ring tone if Telus would provide it.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Mr Putty Pants At Point Pelee

One fall my handlers took me on a road trip with them to Point Pelee. It's a long drive but the weather was great and New Big Friend let me drive again. Girly's always worried I'm going to do something crazy when I'm behind the wheel. I do like to keep her guessing, and she might be right, ha ha!

Point Pelee is a big marsh, full of interesting wildlife.

Here's a shot of two stunningly handsome fellows found wandering around the boardwalk.

They let me loose in the marsh. I felt right at home rummaging through the reeds and communing with the wildlife.

Are you looking at me? I must have been up to something here, I've got that naughty bad look on my face.

Here I am clambering out of the swamp like a great scary creature. Girly could at least give me a hand instead of pointing the camera at me and laughing.

New Big Friend and I take a stroll along the boardwalk. We're the best of buds. Girly is somewhere behind us struggling with all the bags and camera gear, kind of like a pack mule, ha! ha!

The next day we stopped by another part of Pelee so I could have a look around.
Hummm, I wonder what's in here. Maybe a skunk I could flush out in Girly's direction.

A great place to sit for a photo opp. Come on Girly, get that camera snapping.

Later on that day Girly and New Big Friend locked me in the car and went kayaking on Lake Erie.

They didn't even crack a window for me...urg!

I should be with them. Look at this cool green carpet of plant matter on this estuary.

New Big Friend styling in his "yak". They are having too much fun without me. I'll get Girly, I'm sure it's all her fault I wasn't included.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Mr Putty Pants Goes To Work

Girly decided it was time to take me into her work place. New Big Friend has been showing her up with all the things he's done for me and Girly needed to show him she could make my life interesting too.

She plunked me on a chair and told me to stay. Ha, that lasted for about a second or two. I thought I'd have a go at working. Well, actually I don't really work unless it's of the mildly destructive kind. I prefer to hinder and create havoc and chaos rather than being helpful.

Here I am pretending at being helpful. Nobody saw me rifling through the drawers and eating the delicious lunch I found there.

Thought I'd have a go at crunching some numbers. The accountant chased me away when I messed with some important items. What a shame, I was just getting started.

So now I'm left trying to amuse myself since Girly is busy with some sort of work thingy. Don't forget, Big Putty is always watching.

I found this box, tried it on for size. No one is even noticing my antics. Hmmm, see if I come back here again.

But then I found a reason to come back...

Girly's boss, Sharin. She instantly took to my charms and we became inseparable. I call her my "Sweet Pea" because she's full of dark matter just like me. Hehehe!!!
For those of you that don't know me, I'm rather a rotten fellow, I might look adorable but I'm really quite deplorable. I love to create folly for others. It makes me happy. At long last I have a girlfriend who was as equally dark as me. She understands my sense of humour and lack of scruples. A match made in heaven. She calls me her "Dark Prince". It's true love.

I Spoiled Girly's Day

Girly wanted to go out today and enjoy the nice weather. I decided to gather the storm clouds to ruin her day. Ha! Ha!

Mr Putty Pants First Shoes

New Big Friend adores me so much he decided I needed to have some shoes. Girly never thought of that, it just goes to show you who's really thinking of you. I did however, get her to take some shots of me with my styling new shoes and manly socks.

I couldn't resist being naked for these shots. Avert your eyes if you're sensitive to my lushious wooly bottom.

Putty's Video Pick - Kids in the Hall

Okay, so there's a bit of violence in this silly funny video but it rather appealed to my naught bad side. Thought I'd share it with everyone.

Going For A Spin

Okay, so I grabbed the car and took a spin to Oakville. They left the keys in the car, so what do you expect. I had to show off my new Christmas mittens and hat. New Big Friend doesn't know I've high jacked his car...hope he doesn't see this post.

Check me out, I'm the dude with the 'tude.

My First Real Christmas

Well finally I'm included in the Christmas festivities, all because of my New Big Friend. He makes sure I'm included in everything that's going on. Nuts to Girly, ha! ha! and she's allergic to them too.
Here I am about to open my Christmas card and present.

Look what I got, a new hat and mittens.

Waking up on Boxing Day with my new mittens and a bit of a hangover. Thumbs up to such a great gift.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Kayaking in Algonquin

One of my first overnight car trips with my humans was to Algonquin park were New Big Friend took me kayaking on Oxtonge Lake. Girly was on her own stuggling to keep up with us manly men as we glided along the water. Ha! Ha!

Here I am, a rather sporty shot of me.

I think we left Girly somewhere on the lake. What a shame we can't wait, it's lunch time. She might show up by the time we're finshed.

After a day of hard paddling we stayed in a motel in Huntsville. Girly had found us by then, darn it. The next day we toured the town and lunched on a patio. When it started to rain we decided to head home to Toronto.

New Big Friend let me drive. It's lots of fun playing chicken with oncoming traffic but Girly stopped the fun and I wasn't allowed to drive anymore.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Poor Mr Putty Pants

This is me, Mr Putty Pants.

I started out as a little fellow who never got out much. Well not exactly true, as I do tend to get out on my own and cause a bit o' trouble now and then. But I was never invited to go out with Girly, my keeper, and her human friends. I call her that 'cause I can't remember her real name. Oops! I'm rather naughty bad little fellow you know.

Here I am checking out some flowers.

Girly finally got herself a boyfriend I could relate to. He became my "New Big Friend". It changed my whole life. He took me in hand and made sure I came on road trips with them, bought me shoes and clothing and taught me the 'manly' ways of men.

This is New Big Friend.

We are sitting together, two manly men. I'm proudly displaying the gold medals I won in the Chocolate Olympics. NOBODY can beat me at the chocolate eating event. Ha! Ha!