Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Mr Putty Pants Attends A Birthday Party

I'm on my way to Katie's birthday party. I managed to snag this colourful balloon off some unsuspecting kid so I wouldn't arrive empty handed.

Whilst the humans are busy talking and drinking, I'm left to supervise the party participants. That's Katie the birthday girl in the front, with Tess and Jack. I like to keep my eye on them to make sure they misbehave in the appropriate manner.

Mary Jane was so happy to see me she gave me a big hug and insisted I sit with her. Women can't resist my roguish charm and pinchable bottom.

Mary Jane sneaks me a drink....she's my kind of girl.

My girlfriend Sharin must have got jealous with all the attention I was getting so she snatched me away to spend some quality time with her and her devil dog Jack.

Being the social sort of fellow I am, I made the rounds and spoke with everybody. Here I am talking with my good friend Gary about producing an animated movie about myself. I'm also digging his cool shades which he didn't notice me swiping...oops!

Back in Mary Jane's lap, I visit with one of my favourite little nieces, Hoku. Look how she loves her uncle Putty.

Here's the panorama of human drunkeness I had to deal with. Well okay, I'm a little drunk too but that's Mary Jane's fault...good thing I'm not driving.

Since nobody's paying any attention, I'm going cut myself a couple more pieces of cake...ha, ha, all gone. It was a great party...hiccup!


Gary Mundell said...

So happy you didn't post that picture of you and the Buddha. Miss you Putty, it was great fun and naughtiness. Love MJ.

Mr Putty Pants said...

Thanks for slipping me the wine. We'll have to hang out more often. Love Putty

Teena in Toronto said...

How come you didn't come to my birthday party last week? You look like a fun guy!