Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Mr Putty Pants At Point Pelee

One fall my handlers took me on a road trip with them to Point Pelee. It's a long drive but the weather was great and New Big Friend let me drive again. Girly's always worried I'm going to do something crazy when I'm behind the wheel. I do like to keep her guessing, and she might be right, ha ha!

Point Pelee is a big marsh, full of interesting wildlife.

Here's a shot of two stunningly handsome fellows found wandering around the boardwalk.

They let me loose in the marsh. I felt right at home rummaging through the reeds and communing with the wildlife.

Are you looking at me? I must have been up to something here, I've got that naughty bad look on my face.

Here I am clambering out of the swamp like a great scary creature. Girly could at least give me a hand instead of pointing the camera at me and laughing.

New Big Friend and I take a stroll along the boardwalk. We're the best of buds. Girly is somewhere behind us struggling with all the bags and camera gear, kind of like a pack mule, ha! ha!

The next day we stopped by another part of Pelee so I could have a look around.
Hummm, I wonder what's in here. Maybe a skunk I could flush out in Girly's direction.

A great place to sit for a photo opp. Come on Girly, get that camera snapping.

Later on that day Girly and New Big Friend locked me in the car and went kayaking on Lake Erie.

They didn't even crack a window for me...urg!

I should be with them. Look at this cool green carpet of plant matter on this estuary.

New Big Friend styling in his "yak". They are having too much fun without me. I'll get Girly, I'm sure it's all her fault I wasn't included.

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